Social Media Content Ideas for Fall 2020

There is no doubt this year has been a whirlwind. However, throughout the unknowns of this year, we have found solitude in taking some extra time to plan out content, reevaluate business ideas, and reflect. We find taking some time to plan ahead can free up more time in the future for what needs to get done, and even perhaps some self-care time. So as we plan our fall months, we thought it would be helpful to share some of our content ideas that you can implement for your own business’ social media!
And if this topic sounds familiar… you must have been reading our blog since the beginning, we wrote about this topic in September of 2017. We thought we would revisit our very first blog topic and apply it to current times plus add some fresh ideas!
Your Spooky Work/Living Space
The lines between office and living space have blurred as more and more of us find ourselves working from home this year. Since March, there have been a few holidays, and something that helps us feel a bit more “normal” is to decorate as usual. Do you have a dedicated workspace in your home? Is your office the dining room table? Wherever you have found yourself these past few months, spruce it up with some Halloween and fall decor and snap a pic. This is a great time to show your followers an inside look at where you have been conducting business these past few months.
Share your Favorite Fall Recipe
With more time at home and less time frequenting restaurants, it’s safe to say we’ve all been familiarizing ourselves with the kitchen. The temperature change brings seasonal cuisine that makes the Fall season that much more special. Next time you take a stab at an apple cider, a pumpkin pie, or any other Autumn-inspired dish, post about it to encourage others to attempt the recipe.
Your Fall 2020 Bucket List
There are still so many activities to do that are “COVID-safe” during this Fall. Put together a bucket list for the season and share with your followers to give them ideas of activities to do. Not only will this get you thinking of ways to enjoy the “little things”, but it’s exactly the type of content that adds value to the viewer’s life…and if you know us, our content is all about adding value. Incorporate your product/service into your bucket list if you can to encourage more sales. See this one we made for example:

An Autumn Playlist
As the season changes, so do our feelings toward music. Put that poolside playlist to bed and create a soundtrack to your Fall. You know, songs to play while redecorating your house, cooking a Thanksgiving meal, driving to a pumpkin patch, you get the gist. Once your masterpiece is created, give it a branded name (ex: Cobalt & Sapphire’s Autumn Vibes) share the wealth to your social media profiles and before you know it, your brand name will be in the hands of your followers each time they listen to your playlist.
Halloween Costumes Tailored to Your Business
Although you may not be attending social gatherings this year, that doesn’t mean you can’t dress up and enjoy virtual Halloween events. No matter what industry you work in, there is a costume tailored to your field of business that is sure to bring laughs from others in the industry. For example, we dressed up as SWOT analysis (a well-known marketing term) our first Halloween. If you own a bookstore, dress as a character from a classic children’s novel. A business that deals with finance? Easy, dress up as an Excel Spreadsheet. Snap a pic, share to your feed, and enjoy an ocean of comments that praise.